The Crown Estate and Grosvenor.
Two of the UK's largest landlords unite in a landmark initiative to boost access and inclusion in the built environment
We provided:
Project vision.
The Crown Estate and Grosvenor united to improve inclusion and access across their estates with the stated aim of: “Creating welcoming buildings and spaces that provide equitable experiences for all”.
As two of the largest landlords in the UK, they jointly recognised their unique position to positively impact millions of people’s lives, by ensuring everyone can feel welcome and safe in their buildings and places, and to influence wider industry to do similar.
The Crown Estate and Grosvenor engaged Motionspot to support the creation and delivery of this vision, known as The Inclusive Spaces and Places Initiative.
"This is an important step in delivering on our commitments to support community wellbeing and business growth, which will help our buildings and spaces become more welcoming and successful long term."
Amelia Bright, Executive Director of London Estate, Grosvenor
Project deliverables.
Motionspot was engaged to scope the regulatory landscape and define and develop a set of inclusive design principles to be applied across over 500 sites in London, including multiple heritage buildings.
Motionspot supported with:
Research and gap analysis of inclusive design policies, standards, and best practice
- Potential project impact and business case.
Baseline of portfolio to understand the level of inclusivity for commercial buildings and public realm.
- Site visits across The Crown Estate and Grosvenor’s portfolios across office, retail, public realm, food and beverage.
- Engagement workshops with over 50 people with lived experience to share challenges faced in the built environment.
- An industry roundtable with over 20 industry experts.
Creation of an open source report and toolkit (known as the Inclusive Design Brief) for all businesses to implement genuine and practical change.
- Including a series of prompts to ask at all stages of a new build, refurbishment, or retrofit project.
- Explore the full report and toolkit here:
A new inclusive design standard bespoke to The Crown Estate and Grosvenor’s portfolios.
- Creation of tailored technical requirements to integrate best practice inclusive design standards within The Crown Estate and Grosvenor’s new developments and major refurbishment projects so that they are future proofed and attractive to potential occupiers.
- Methodology to identify short- and long-term interventions
Industry launch event.
- Featuring a panel of experts and people with lived experience and keynote from Ade Adepitan.
- Over 100 industry stakeholders in attendance.
The commitments.
As part of this initiative, The Crown Estate and Grosvenor committed to five inclusive design actions including:
- Listening to and involving those with lived experience.
- Measuring and understanding the level of accessibility of our buildings and spaces to inform key interventions.
- Communicating better information on the accessibility of our buildings.
- Going beyond building regulations to create a higher inclusive design standard.
- Collaborating to ensure inclusive design is considered for new developments and existing buildings.
In addition to the open source Inclusive Design Brief and tools, an Accessible and Inclusive Places Industry Group has been established, a collaborative effort to champion accessibility across the sector.
"By launching a range of tools that businesses can implement within their own design remits, we are calling on the property industry to work together and create inclusive, welcoming spaces for all. This is a process that takes time, but with collective action and clear commitments, it is a true step in the right direction."
Simon Harding-Roots, Managing Director for London at The Crown Estate
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